The Blog

  • Can paid search impact your SEO efforts?

    Have you ever considered investing in a PPC campaign with an SEO strategy? Or wondered whether the combination of two would negatively or positively impact your site’s rankings? To answer the latter, no – PPC does not directly impact SEO. PPC and SEO are two separate entities with established regulations to ensure paid search has absolutely […]

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  • Using seasonal product forecasting data to plan your SEO strategy

    Optimising a website’s product or services range can involve implementing a variety of activities for a successful campaign. Add to this any limited resources and time restrictions and the overall strategy could become a significant challenge. Understanding seasonal trends of your product range can help prioritise your SEO efforts from the start, leading to timely […]

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  • Interplanetary SEO services announced

    Technical SEO agency,, has announced interplanetary SEO services as part of a broadened package to prepare its clients for the online world of tomorrow. With space travel only years away, the agency has taken the first step in intergalactic digital marketing by launching a range of stellar interplanetary services, including: HREFPLANG troubleshooting & mapping […]

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  • How to choose the right technical SEO agency

    Hiring an SEO agency can help turbocharge your online marketing, and partnering with the right technical SEO agency can deliver even better results. They should be able to address technical aspects like server performance and website code optimization, while also running organic SEO and paid search campaigns to promote your content, products, and services. SEO […]

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  • SEO Issues On Next.js Websites (50 Site Study)

    Next.js is a popular component of modern headless architectures, with many companies choosing to build on the front end in Next.js and then connecting to a CMS such as WordPress for backend content management. Like all platforms, these builds can have technical SEO issues, and this isn’t lost on Next themselves, who have built a […]

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  • What are Core Web Vitals?

    Web Vitals are metrics created by Google to measure page performance in a standardised way. Google analyses real user data from the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) and compares the real experience of these users to see where they fall within the Web Vitals metrics. The Core Web Vitals are then used by Google as […]

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  • Taking a look at Hermes’ domain migration to Evri

    As of March 14th, Hermes has migrated their domain to due to a major rebrand. Migrations can always be a tense time for sites, since the risk of damage can range from minimal to catastrophic, depending on the type of migration in play.  With the Hermes to Evri migration being both a brand […]

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  • How to create content for humans

    When you are writing content, one of the golden rules is remembering your audience. While it’s important to craft and fine-tune your words to satisfy Google and other search engines, your piece becomes worthless if it’s not friendly or engaging to the human eye. Any SEO specialist will tell you the primary focus of your […]

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  • 4 benefits customer reviews have on SEO

    For many years, companies believed black hat techniques and high volumes of content that can be viewed as spammy and low quality was the best approach for improving organic search performance. However, Google and other search engines have now evolved to such an extent that they now understand the impact they have on individuals and […]

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  • Industry analysis – US golf eCommerce

    With most sports, you often find the player blaming their equipment for poor performance, which fuels them to overhaul their kit instead of finding the root cause of what’s wrong. The way people buy golfing products such as power caddies and irons has considerably changed over the years in the US. They’re no longer heavily […]

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