The Blog

  • SEO Considerations when using a Headless CMS

    ‘Traditional’ or ‘coupled’ – as they are commonly referred to – are the terms used to describe a CMS utilising a combined frontend and backend. As such, all aspects of the website, including content storage, content creation, design, and how content is displayed on devices is managed from one central place. There are advantages and […]

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  • How to optimise YouTube video content for search

    Two main types of content can be posted on the YouTube platform: YouTube original series and movies User-generated content Research by Statista shows that 81% of US 15 to 25-year olds use YouTube, closely followed by 71% of 26 to 35-year olds and 67% of 36 to 45-year olds, making YouTube an excellent platform for […]

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  • Q&A With Google’s John Mueller

    At the end of the first VirtuaCon virtual conference, SALT’s Dan Taylor hosted a question and answer session with Google’s John Mueller. Tackling questions around how Google perceives site structure in the age of context vectors and semantic information architecture, as well as whether or not Google will roll out algorithm updates during the global […]

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  • How to create a Google Action using Schema

    Schema markup provides website publishers with ways to influence the way your content appears in search results, by passing more information to the search engines than appears to human visitors. One relatively recent capability is the ability to use Schema to create Google Actions – we’ll come on to how you do that in a […]

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  • What is anchor text?

    Anchor text is clickable text that links to a webpage. It entices visitors to click through with an indication of what they will find when they do. Also known as ‘link labels’ or ‘link titles’, search engines use anchor text as one of the signals for determining a page’s subject matter. Search engines then rank […]

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  • Solving Salesforce Commerce Cloud’s Speed Issues

    When talking about any website from a technical perspective, site speed is never far away from the agenda. In recent years, through various updates and communications, Google has reinforced and placed emphasis on the need to factor this into our core thinking. It’s a metric that a large number of SEOs and marketers gravitate to […]

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  • Identifying site structure weaknesses

    When people talk about website SEO, they often refer to on-page and off-page optimisation to distinguish between on-page factors like keywords, headings and meta tags, and off-page factors like inbound links and domain authority. But one factor you might have overlooked is your overall site structure, which is generally regarded as an extension of on-page […]

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  • What happened to meta-search engines?

    Back in the early days of search engines, Google wasn’t yet the dominant force it is today. Instead, there were several contenders for that throne, all vying for market share. Some of those first true search engines, which used a crawler to index pages that could then be searched for keywords, included: Infoseek WebCrawler Lycos […]

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