The Blog

  • Why page speed is so important

    It stands to reason that page speed is an important element in good website design. Pages that load faster become interactive faster, and that means your visitors face less of a delay in becoming paying customers.Slower loading pages suffer higher abandonment and bounce rates, as some visitors will simply give up if the page doesn’t […]

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  • How does PPC complement SEO?

    Before we tackle the relationship between PPC and SEO, let’s introduce both concepts. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) encompasses the technologies, techniques, processes and tactics used to achieve the highest organic rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) — leading to increased chances of higher website traffic and business success. PPC stands for Pay Per Click, […]

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  • Can CDNs benefit your website?

    Across the internet you are likely to find a smattering of articles and discussions about why Cloudflare and other such Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) aren’t beneficial for SEO. The likelihood however, is that those articles are written by people whose services aren’t set up properly, as mentioned by John Mueller — Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst. […]

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  • Who should website content be written for?

    Great content is what draws visitors in to your website and hopefully keeps them there. However, it can be all too easy to get carried away with trying to please search engines when writing this content. So, should your copy be written for the reader or should it be primarily drafted with search engines in […]

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  • Does Google’s cache date matter for SEO?

    Around the time of the deindexing bug earlier this month, a large number of websites saw their homepages (among other prominent traffic driving pages) seemingly disappear from Google’s index without warning or explanation. Before long of course, webmasters started to notice another trend, that the cache dates of websites within Google’s public cache had seemingly […]

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  • Effective techniques to create tempting meta descriptions

    Meta descriptions are sometimes overlooked or deemed unimportant because they aren’t used by Google to determine rankings — however, they are often the first thing that a potential customer will see of your business online, and they do influence your click-through rate. With that in mind, they are therefore an important aspect of your on-page […]

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