Google Penalty Removal Services

Seen a sudden drop in your website’s Google rankings? You may have been hit with a Google penalty.

Getting your site back to its former position can be frustrating and complicated — luckily, our specialist Google penalty consultants can help.

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How to know if you have a Google penalty

The first sign of a possible Google penalty is a sudden decline in your rankings. If your organic traffic unexpectedly decreases by a lot across multiple keywords, a penalty might be the reason.

You should first ensure there were no technical issues, like hacking, indexing issues, or site migrations that happened around the same time.

Use Google Search Console and Analytics to see when these drops happened, and check your account for any manual penalty messages from Google.

Remember — penalty drops usually affect entire domains and aren’t isolated to just a few pages. You might see rankings go down for unrelated keywords across your site.

If competitor sites that were previously ranking lower than yours have now jumped ahead, it could also suggest they were unaffected by the issues your site was penalised for.

With the above checks done and an algorithmic penalty suspected, you’ll need to seek advice from an SEO penalty removal company — like SALT.

Our experts can confirm if your site was hit with a Google update or penalty and guide you through how to get those rankings back.

More importantly, we can help improve and safeguard your site to ensure fewer penalties happen in the future

Spotting a Google Panda algorithm update

Google originally ran its Panda algorithm periodically, making it straightforward to correlate traffic declines with specific Panda updates. However, like Penguin, Panda now operates continuously.

This shift to ongoing, real-time analysis rather than batched updates means it is now hard to attribute ranking and traffic drops to Panda. The pattern depends on lots of complex, interwoven ranking factors.

To overcome these drops, you’ll need help from a Google penalty removal service, which SALT offers.

We can detect subtle technical and content signals suggesting Panda’s involvement. Our familiarity with Panda’s historical signals enables us to pinpoint what is behind your decline, even in difficult-to-diagnose cases.

Identifying a Google Penguin issue

Google’s 2016 Penguin 4.0 update integrated the Penguin algorithm directly into its core ranking system. This means it now runs continuously rather than through separate refreshes.

The change made it much more difficult to determine if link-based issues are behind traffic and ranking declines.

Signs that once clearly indicated a Penguin penalty might now give you an unreliable diagnosis, thanks to multiple interconnecting ranking factors.

Sites seeing many major drops need a professional technical and link audit to find the root causes of their issues and the best pathway to recovery, whether Penguin-related or not.

Our Google Penalty Recovery Services

Penalties can be time-consuming and can massively impact your organic traffic and revenue. However, with the right approach, swift recovery is possible. At SALT, we offer customised solutions for recovering sites impacted by manual spam actions, Penguin and Panda penalties, and other algorithmic hits.

Google Penguin Removal

Google Penguin targets manipulative links — but removing these alone won’t restore your lost rankings.

Sites need to regain genuine link equity and trust signals to re-earn their positions, meaning they also require a solid foundation to help them bounce back quickly.

SALT understands that every site can react differently to a Google Penguin clean-up and review.

Our expert team has developed its specialist processes and software to successfully remove Google Penguin issues and ensure your site legitimately deserves a higher ranking.

With our bespoke Google Penguin recovery services, we ensure that the penalties are lifted and that your site performs better in the long run.

Google Panda Removal

Many website owners are unaware they have been affected by a Google Panda update, where their low-quality or duplicate content has been targeted.

Unlike Penguin, which focuses on manipulative links, Panda assesses on-site content and technical quality signals. This can unintentionally trigger filtering for sites that were never meant to be demoted.

Panda penalties often take longer to recover from compared to Penguin. This is because Google can crawl and cache mistakenly duplicated or technically generated thin content faster than it can re-crawl and confirm quality improvements.

At SALT, we have successfully helped sites regain their lost organic visibility after both partial and whole-site hits from Panda.

The road to recovery lies in bolstering your site’s uniqueness, depth, and overall authority. If you suspect Panda involvement, our Google penalty consultants can carry out a detailed site audit and provide you with a custom roadmap.

Guides & Tips

  • New domains vs penalty removal

    Read More
  • How to diagnose Google ranking changes

    Read More
  • No Penguin recovery? Maybe links weren’t the issue…

    Read More

Client Reviews

  • Jake

    The team at were great to work with. I had a project in rebuilding a brand after a relatively damaging corporate crisis. Dan and the team were fantastic resources in their SEO expertise in building a strategy as well as the technical details related to migration to a new website as part of a larger branding effort. I cannot recommend this team highly enough!

  • Anonymous

    We chose to work with SALT to enable a smooth international website migration. With the goal in mind to mitigate ranking and organic search traffic loss, the team at SALT carefully walked us through how to implement the necessary setup and monitored our performance throughout the process. The results were great and now we’re in a strong position to move into new markets and excel in our search goals!

  • Anonymous

    SALT has been a great agency to work with for our SEO efforts. They’ve been very helpful in ensuring we increase our efforts, find the best opportunities, and optimise our website and content in the most efficient manner. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for an agency that will always have your back and help you towards your growth goals.

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