As we all know, the world of SEO travels at a million miles per second, which is why we like to keep up to date with the very latest SEO news and analysis. Including reviews and guides on the latest technologies and tools, as well as tips on SEO best practice, find out everything you need to know from one of the most prominent UK SEO agencies, here.

  • SEO for franchise businesses

    SEO for franchises improves search engine visibility for franchise websites, which promote brands and offer localized pages for multiple brand locations. Strategies include keyword research for the local area, creating localized landing pages and removing any potential duplicate content. Franchise SEOs need to consider the different approaches to offering consumers local page quality and familiarise […]

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  • An SEO analysis of the US homeware industry

    Our analysis of the homeware industry over the last three years has identified significant search demand volatility. Major macroeconomic events have had dual effects on the market. The pandemic has played a large role in increasing demand for homeware while also causing supply chain issues. Due to the growing size of the homeware industry, it […]

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  • Organic Search Trends: Safe Sleep for infants

    Sleep is essential for newborn babies, and the first year of life is filled with a great number of milestones. Sleeping throughout the night on a regular basis is a milestone many parents will look forward to the most. Sleep patterns change throughout the first year of a baby’s life, and the number of hours […]

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  • Engaging Corporate Stakeholders With SEO

    When executing an effective SEO strategy in the enterprise space, you need to secure the buy-in of the C-suite and other corporate stakeholders. But what’s the best way to go about it? And how do you ensure your organization’s leaders understand the incremental value of organic search? Having worked with various enterprise organizations, I can […]

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  • Accuracy check of SEO in mainstream media

    It’s a sad but true fact that SEO isn’t mainstream enough for the wider media. Most of us have jokes about what our families think we do versus what we actually do, and it’s not the easiest job to explain. Saying that, we were surprised to discover that SEO has been referenced in mainstream media […]

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  • The SEO analysis of the US food hamper industry

    While many industries are still struggling to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, many more are thriving in the wake of it. One of those is the food hamper industry, which you may or may not be surprised to hear reached a colossal $33 billion in 2021. 2020 and 2021 were fraught with […]

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  • US garden supply industry analysis: An SEO perspective

    Recent global issues are likely leading to significant changes in the US garden supplies industry. The rising costs of living and droughts will play a major role in the market over the next couple of years, with significant changes having already occurred in the last five. So far in 2022, 80% of the western USA experienced […]

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  • The SEO analysis of the US perfume shop industry

    The perfume industry is ever-expanding, and as of 2021, the market size was $38.4 billion, accounting for around 8% of the beauty industry. For the most part, 2020 initially had a negative impact on perfume companies. With national lockdowns, buying perfume wasn’t at the forefront of anyone’s mind. However, it wasn’t long before people started […]

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  • How to optimise images for SEO – best practices

    When people refer to website content, they often mean written copy. However, content can be anything on the page — copy, images, video, and more. A page without content is simply a blank page. More often than not, you will find an array of people discussing content optimisation and keyword usage within articles and landing […]

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