As we all know, the world of SEO travels at a million miles per second, which is why we like to keep up to date with the very latest SEO news and analysis. Including reviews and guides on the latest technologies and tools, as well as tips on SEO best practice, find out everything you need to know from one of the most prominent UK SEO agencies, here.

  • SEO strategies for the fashion industry

    The fashion industry is a multi-billion-dollar global sector devoted to selling clothes and accessories. Although there is a difference between haute couture and mass-produced apparel, from an SEO perspective, fashion eCommerce stores operate in largely the same manner, regardless of production volume or the price tag. The challenge lies in the fact that search engine […]

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  • SEO Questions: How many pages should my website have?

    Today, I am starting a series on the blog entitled ‘SEO Questions’. This new series aims to provide answers to some of the most common SEO-related questions we hear. The straightforward answer to today’s question is that a website should have as many pages as necessary to be comprehensive and authoritative on a topic. […]

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  • Guide: Local SEO Landing Pages

    Local SEO is the process of improving technical, content, and offsite factors with a focus on locality to improve rankings in specific areas. One thing that can be used to significantly help this is creating (or optimising) local landing pages. Local landing pages are simply (commercial) webpages with local intent. This means that the page […]

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  • Introducing the Magento SEO checklist

    Magento is an eCommerce platform that enables users to customise its features to create tailor-made online stores to match their needs and to create unique user experiences. According to BuiltWith, Magento is used by 16% of the world’s top 100,000 online retail platforms, used by household names such as Coca Cola, Rebecca Minkoff, and Ford. […]

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  • JAMstack, Edge Workers & Worker Sites: New Challenges & Opportunities in SEO

    2019 has seen the advent of a number of new challenges for SEO professionals, ranging from Google’s ever-changing efforts to “deliver better results for users”, to serverless technologies creating new opportunities for SEO implementations. JAMstack is also becoming more popular as organisations are looking to deconstruct their monolithic architectures, and become more agile in how […]

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  • Common JavaScript errors in SEO and how to avoid them

    JavaScript (JS), initially named Live Script, was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995. Put simply, JS is a scripting language that enables web developers to insert code within a website. The script also allows performing tasks that are not possible in the traditional HTML markup language. These are mostly interactive behaviours, such as displaying hamburger […]

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  • How to prevent comment spam as a site owner

    In the majority of cases, post comments are a good indication that a site is generating quality content to a healthy and attentive audience. Often referred to as user-generated content (UGC), comments are great for SEO as they provide sites with free qualitative content, longtail keywords, and can help boost signals across social platforms. There […]

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