Author: Dan Taylor

  • Improving performance and speed in Lightning Experience

    Salesforce Lightning Experience (LEX) has developed somewhat of a bad reputation in the community for poor page speed load times and general load efficiency. It’s true, in a direct comparison to Classic, Lightning Experience is more cumbersome and adds unwanted milliseconds to load times. Lightning Experience itself can bring a number of benefits to storefronts, […]

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  • Creating Better Ecommerce Category Pages

    On the majority of ecommerce websites, category pages (or PLPs) are a practical means to an end and a relatively uneventful stop on the user journey to the product pages themselves. A number of ecommerce websites do however recognise that they hold some value, and have copy written for them, oftentimes relegated to the bottom […]

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  • Google’s advice for SEO in 2021

    Towards the end of 2020, Google’s John Mueller spoke virtually at SMX and reaffirmed many existing thoughts about what the future of search holds. The presentation can be viewed from the agenda links and registering. In summary, John’s presentation covered several areas of both how Google’s Search product will be developing, and how they’re working […]

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  • Producing redirects for your .htaccess file

    If you’re running Apache, you have a .htaccess file. The .htaccess file, if maintained correctly, can be a considerable asset for any technical SEO, given that it can do many things ranging from improving TTFB, handling redirects, and setting page canonicals for non-HTML documents. When handling redirects, a lot of enterprise and older businesses that […]

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  • Web Vitals: Field Data v Lab Data

    Google has announced that page experience is going to be a ranking factor that they are going to be implementing next year. Now, we all knew that user experience is critical for users to stay happy when they’re on your web page and to make sure that they end up achieving the purpose that they […]

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  • Q&A With Google’s John Mueller

    At the end of the first VirtuaCon virtual conference, SALT’s Dan Taylor hosted a question and answer session with Google’s John Mueller. Tackling questions around how Google perceives site structure in the age of context vectors and semantic information architecture, as well as whether or not Google will roll out algorithm updates during the global […]

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  • Solving Salesforce Commerce Cloud’s Speed Issues

    When talking about any website from a technical perspective, site speed is never far away from the agenda. In recent years, through various updates and communications, Google has reinforced and placed emphasis on the need to factor this into our core thinking. It’s a metric that a large number of SEOs and marketers gravitate to […]

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