Author: Dan Taylor

  • Can All Search Engines Index JavaScript Content?

    JavaScript has become one of the more complex topics in SEO, with the understanding of how it affects search performance seemingly varying between SEOs. However, understanding JavaScript and how search engines handle it has never been more important with more websites and webpages relying on it for crucial content elements and internal linking. Understanding JavaScript basics is a good […]

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  • Preventing user softlocks caused by interstitials & pop-ups

    Back in 2016, Google announced a change to its algorithm that focused around content accessibility for users, primarily focusing on interstitials, pop-ups, overlays, and modals on mobile devices that cause content to become obfuscated beyond a certain percentage, or are overly intrusive and require user interaction to then access content. It’s fair to say, that […]

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  • Migrating to SAP ERP & Hybris? Don’t forget SEO!

    SAP’s increased marketing and product innovations are leading to more enterprise-level organizations opting to migrate to their ERP and CRM solutions. As part of this movement, moving the front-end website over to the SAP Hybris platform is often sold in as part of the deal to ease integration with the new backend systems. Large eCommerce […]

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  • New York Technical SEO Meetup: discussion takeaways

    In November 2019 we hosted a technical SEO meetup in New York, featuring a formidable panel of SEO experts including: Rachel Costello, DeepCrawl Mike King, iPull Rank Lily Ray, Path Interactive Romain Damery, Path Interactive Hamlet Batista, Rank Sense John Morabito, Stella Rising Moderated by SALT’s Dan Taylor, the following is a round-up of the […]

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  • SEO Questions: How many pages should my website have?

    Today, I am starting a series on the blog entitled ‘SEO Questions’. This new series aims to provide answers to some of the most common SEO-related questions we hear. The straightforward answer to today’s question is that a website should have as many pages as necessary to be comprehensive and authoritative on a topic. […]

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  • Managing successful website migrations

    Website migrations are a naturally occurring and common event on the internet as companies upgrade (or change) their platforms, rebrand, or merge with others. This is why it’s important to have a defined, phased approach to website migrations, and using past experience (and learnings) to continuously improve and refine processes. Collectively at, we’ve handled […]

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  • Do 404 pages negatively affect SEO performance

    Confusingly, 404 pages are treated with varying levels of importance across the SEO industry. Some reports and audits categorise them with high levels of severity, and others state that they should be fixed as soon as possible. However, 404s are a very natural part of the internet and can be very useful. TL;DR Do 404s […]

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  • Preparing your eCommerce site for the January sales

    When entering such a busy time, your website must perform to the best of its ability to cope with the additional user demand. As well as being optimised to provide the best user experiences, the site needs to be as competitive as possible against Google Shopping and major marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay. While […]

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  • Robots.txt guide for SEOs

    The robots.txt file is commonplace in any standard technical SEO audit, and the robots.txt standard gives webmasters the ability to control which robots (user-agents) are able to crawl their websites, either in part or entirely. It’s a plain .txt file, which is most commonly found through the /robots.txt URI extension; e.g. A robots.txt file […]

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  • JAMstack, Edge Workers & Worker Sites: New Challenges & Opportunities in SEO

    2019 has seen the advent of a number of new challenges for SEO professionals, ranging from Google’s ever-changing efforts to “deliver better results for users”, to serverless technologies creating new opportunities for SEO implementations. JAMstack is also becoming more popular as organisations are looking to deconstruct their monolithic architectures, and become more agile in how […]

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