Technical SEO

As one of the most prominent technical SEO agencies in the world, we take a great deal of pride in offering in-depth and advanced technical SEO services. Within our blog you will find insights into our latest technical SEO research, best practice guidelines, algorithm updates, and modern SEO requirements – all designed to help you get more out of your website through technical SEO.
  • A complete guide to JavaScript for SEO

    JavaScript (JS), initially named Live Script, has been around for decades. It was reportedly developed by Brendan Eich in September 1995 in just ten days.  JS is a scripting language that enables web developers to insert code within a website. It was originally a method by which HTML pages could interact with web applets written […]

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  • An introduction to CDNs and how they benefit SEO 

    An introduction to CDNs and SEO benefits  When the distance between the server and a user increases, so does the latency.   The latency is the time the server needs to respond to a request. Due to the global nature of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), your site can be artificially moved closer to the user. This […]

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  • A guide to rendering solutions for SPAs

    The web development community is rapidly adopting Single Page Applications (SPAs) for various web projects. React, for example, has seen a 1633% increase in projects using SPAs from 2018 to 2021 (according to Builtwith). Because SPAs are fundamentally built in JavaScript, they often create problems for search engines trying to crawl the website. In addition, […]

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  • Common web design mistakes that can affect SEO

    As the web evolves, so do search engines. Web design has become more immersive and exciting, and people can interact with content online in ways that were never possible 10 years ago. With this continued evolution, how your user experiences your content is almost as important as the content itself. Search engines have also evolved […]

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  • How to improve Largest Contentful Paint

    This article assumes a base level of knowledge about Core Web Vitals and how to audit them. To revisit this topic, please check out the first article in this series: What are Core Web Vitals? We previously highlighted that LCP stands for “Largest Contentful Paint” and delved into ways one might begin auditing for issues. […]

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  • An Introduction To JavaScript SEO

    What is JavaScript SEO? JavaScript SEO is how you optimize a website’s Javascript for search engines to prevent the programming language scripts from hampering the organic performance of the site.  JavaScript is a program that is popular among developers as it allows them to be exceptionally creative when building interactive web pages.  However, if you […]

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  • What is faceted navigation?

    Faceted navigation allows users to navigate a website and find specific product subcategories on an eCommerce website. Faceted navigation, also called a “filter”, improves user experience and the customer journey. This is because users can easily access the expected product within one to two clicks.  Below is an example of faceted navigation: Each box represents […]

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  • What is server-side tagging?

    Google Tag Manager (GTM) has long been a key tool for digital marketing professionals, providing valuable insights into the user journey, conversion paths, and ad exposure that you can use to optimise your website.  It provides a convenient way to manage all types of tracking code – from Google Analytics and Adwords to Facebook pixels […]

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