
Content is an integral part of any SEO campaign. Catch up on the latest news, advice, and guides from the content team here at

  • Yandex Zen Optimisation Part 1: Getting to know Yandex Zen

    Yandex Zen is a personalised recommendations service created by Yandex. It can serve as a great marketing tool for lead generation, brand awareness, and new demand creation for many businesses. The platform enables individual and corporate users to publish content (articles, videos, photos), and an algorithm recommends content to users based on their interests. If […]

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  • How to optimise YouTube video content for search

    Two main types of content can be posted on the YouTube platform: YouTube original series and movies User-generated content Research by Statista shows that 81% of US 15 to 25-year olds use YouTube, closely followed by 71% of 26 to 35-year olds and 67% of 36 to 45-year olds, making YouTube an excellent platform for […]

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  • What is anchor text?

    Anchor text is clickable text that links to a webpage. It entices visitors to click through with an indication of what they will find when they do. Also known as ‘link labels’ or ‘link titles’, search engines use anchor text as one of the signals for determining a page’s subject matter. Search engines then rank […]

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  • What to do when your content is stolen

    If you regularly upload content to a website or multiple websites, then the chances are you will have had some of it stolen at some point. While this can sometimes leave you unaffected, it can also have a devastating impact on your SEO efforts. Stolen content can range from a short paragraph to a full […]

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  • The anatomy of creative content

    The days when you could get away with a 300-word blog post are long gone — in fact, research shows that most shared articles are 3k-10k words long. Don’t let this put you off though — this seven step comprehensive approach to content crafting will guide you through the process of creating more effective and […]

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  • Who should website content be written for?

    Great content is what draws visitors in to your website and hopefully keeps them there. However, it can be all too easy to get carried away with trying to please search engines when writing this content. So, should your copy be written for the reader or should it be primarily drafted with search engines in […]

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  • How to do guest blogging well in 2018

    A video by Matt Cutts in 2014 seemingly suggesting guest blogging was dead caused a bit of a stir in SEO and offsite communities, as did more recent statements from Google echoing the same sentiment. However, context is key, and all of these warnings were aimed at guest blogging done badly. By badly I mean […]

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