Content writing has become a powerful driver for SaaS companies, and it’s no surprise why.

When done right, it can massively impact SaaS business success, with some reporting 30% higher growth rates than those not using content marketing.

From crafting compelling blog posts to producing data-backed reports, SaaS content writers are one of the best investments your brand can make. They leave your readers feeling educated, informed, and encouraged to take the leap on that all-important product sign-up  — or another conversion point.

However, creating exceptional SaaS content is an art form. It demands a deep understanding of your audience, your product’s value, and the nuances of content marketing in the SaaS space.

In this guide, we’ll unpack everything you need to know about SaaS content writing. Let’s explore what it is, the strategies writers use, and how to partner with a SaaS blog writing company to produce exceptional content.

SaaS content writing explained

SaaS content writing involves creating written materials that help promote and sell SaaS products. These materials include website copy, blog posts, email newsletters, eBooks, case studies, and product descriptions.

The main goal with all SaaS content is to:

  • attract potential customers to your SaaS product
  • educate them on what it does and why it’s valuable
  • convince them to become paying users.

Many SaaS companies write their content in-house. However, working with a dedicated SaaS content writer or agency offers an appealing advantage for resource-strapped teams. Around 55% of business-to-consumer (B2C) content marketers now outsource their content marketing.

Brands can tap into the expertise of writers or agencies to craft clear, compelling, and search engine-optimised (SEO) content that entices audiences, builds brand awareness, generates leads, and drives sales.

But effective SaaS content isn’t a sales pitch. Writers must balance promoting your product with providing beneficial, informative content that addresses your reader’s pain points, questions, and interests related to your SaaS solution.

The best SaaS content writers understand your product, your company’s goals, the market’s needs, and proven marketing strategies. They know how to create content that resonates with your audience while still getting business results.

How does it differ from other types of content writing?

While there’s some overlap between content writing for SaaS and other industries, there are key differences.

Generally speaking, SaaS content writing:

  • is more product-centric
  • has more technical depth
  • integrates closer with the sales funnel
  • focuses on lead generation and conversions
  • is used alongside marketing automation platforms
  • has more emphasis on metrics and return on investment (ROI).

This specialised approach means SaaS content writers must possess a combination of technical expertise, product knowledge, marketing acumen, and data-driven analysis. These skills enable them to produce content that supports the unique goals of SaaS businesses.

What does a B2B SaaS content writer do?

Business-to-business (B2B) SaaS content writers create content that speaks to decision-makers in companies, helping them envision how the SaaS brand can help their business meet its broader goals.

To achieve this, B2B SaaS content writers typically:

  • adopt a more professional and formal tone
  • emphasise the ROI, cost-savings, efficiency gains, and how the software solves complex business challenges
  • appeal to logic and data or metrics over emotion
  • produce case studies, whitepapers, analyses, and product documentation.

Companies used to achieve this type of sale through face-to-face pitches or cold calls. However, 80% of B2B decision-makers now prefer to learn about potential vendors through their digital content.

What does a B2C SaaS content writer do?

Business-to-consumer (B2C) SaaS content writers target individual consumers directly.

They craft content that:

  • has a more casual, conversational tone
  • focuses on highlighting specific pain points and how a SaaS product can improve quality of life or productivity
  • relies more heavily on emotional appeals and storytelling
  • includes blog posts, email newsletters, and video scripts.

This direct approach helps people see how they might use and benefit from the product personally, often outside a business or workplace context.

Why is SaaS content writing important?

Every SaaS company is made or broken by its content marketing efforts. You won’t achieve your business growth goals without a steady stream of fresh, compelling content.

Let’s take a closer look at why SaaS content writing is essential.

Strengthens customer acquisition

The SaaS world is fiercely competitive, with new solutions appearing daily.

Publishing quality blog posts, guides, and more lets you put your brand in front of people actively researching solutions to their problems. A well-optimised article could be your ticket to thousands of new signups.

Builds trust and thought leadership

Most prospects are naturally sceptical of a SaaS brand making big claims.

By publishing credible, data-backed content that provides unique insights, you can transform your brand into a respected, trustworthy name in your industry.

Nurtures leads

Even the most engaged leads can go cold if you don’t continually nurture them with valuable content tailored to each funnel stage.

Around 40% of B2B buyers engage with at least three pieces of content before contacting a sales rep, so reaching the lead at every stage is vital.

Drip email campaigns, blog series, and personalised content streams keep your SaaS product at the top of people’s minds when they’re ready to purchase.

Reduces churn

Lacklustre content generally results in lower product adoption, poor user experience, and high customer churn (people using then dropping your product).

Many SaaS brands recognise this problem, with 63% using their content marketing strategy to build loyalty with existing customers.

Successful SaaS companies employ content writers to create comprehensive resources, like FAQs and how-to guides. These materials empower users to become masters of their products, resulting in less churn and more revenue.

Taps into industry insights

Great SaaS content lets you tap into industry insights that put you ahead of the curve.

Exclusive data, original research, and authoritative guides published as SaaS content help your company shape meaningful conversations, spot rising trends, and become leaders in your niche.

What can SaaS content writers bring to your business?

Working with a skilled SaaS content writer can help take your marketing efforts to the next level.

These wordsmiths craft content that turns casual browsers into engaged and loyal users.

By creating irresistible content, SaaS writers can help your business refine its SEO expertise, brand voice, customer understanding, and sales skills.

SEO expertise

SaaS content writers know how to research relevant keywords and what type of content search engines favours for the keywords, helping drive higher rankings and quality traffic.

Brand voice

Personality is injected into your content to build your brand voice. SaaS writers help forge strong connections with your audience through wit, storytelling, and emotional resonance.

Customer understanding

The best writers greatly understand your buyer personas’ needs, pain points, and quirks, allowing them to create hyper-relevant content that hits the mark.

Sales skills

Skills needed for SaaS content writing extend beyond informing. Writers also craft messaging that effectively conveys your value proposition and guides prospects toward the end goal: conversion.

What do SaaS content writers produce?

Specialist content writers produce many types of materials needed to attract, nurture, convert, and delight customers. Their content helps fuel the entire SaaS marketing engine, from first click to final sale.

Landing pages

Landing pages are what users initially see when they arrive to your site. They are built from thorough keyword research that helps guide the user from researching their issue to understanding your product.

Within the first few seconds, landing pages must hook visitors with persuasive copy highlighting your product’s value proposition while reducing anxiety and distractions. You must give visitors a reason to click and stay on your site.

SaaS writers provide sharp copy that stops users from scrolling past and drives them to complete lead forms. Strategic calls to actions (CTAs) guide visitors seamlessly into the sales funnel and kickstart the conversion process.

Product descriptions

Going beyond typically dry feature listings, SaaS writers create exciting product marketing copy that spotlights your key benefits, unique selling points (USPs), and competitive advantages.

Their descriptive skills bring your product to life. Excellent product descriptions generate desire while vividly portraying how the software solves real user problems.

Blog articles

Blog posts are the backbone content for SaaS company growth. No matter what your product or service is, a well-written blog article can support it.

Writers create authoritative pieces that demonstrate your company’s expertise while keeping the content engaging, story-like, and search engine-optimised to maximise visibility.

Whether outlining how to craft email templates or discussing the latest growth hacking trends, blog posts can garner profound buying influence.

Marketers who prioritise blogging are 13 times more likely to see a positive ROI.

Thought leadership pieces

With persuasive essays, talks, definitive guides, and other compelling thought leadership content, SaaS writers can help shape industry narratives to position your company as an innovative and influential trailblazer.

Case studies

Distilling insights from successful customers into rich, absorbing case studies provides social proof and evidence to ease buyer doubts.

SaaS content writers extract interesting details that resonate and frame them as memorable takeaways. Readers are reassured by these experiences and encouraged to try the software for themselves.

Case studies are one of the most effective content marketing strategies for boosting sales.

Guides and walk-throughs

Detailed knowledge bases, tutorials, how-to guides, and FAQs produced by skilled writers help drive product adoption and proficiency.

This invaluable content reduces the burden on your support team while encouraging users to become more familiar with your product and its features.


From turning unique data into insights-packed reports to carrying out original studies, SaaS content writers can package complex research into something more accessible and engaging for your audience. This results in your company becoming an industry authority worth listening to.


Infographics, charts, and other visually engaging assets help turn complex information into easy-to-consume, memorable formats ideal for social sharing.

With 67% of marketers now using them, infographics are an excellent way to ensure your content is quickly digested and accessible to various audiences.


eBooks, toolkits, and other gated premium content pieces are valuable lead magnets. You can use them to capture prospect information by asking readers to share their email addresses or complete a form for content access.

This initial data fuels nurture streams and helps convert leads into customers.


With over 319 billion emails sent daily, a skilled SaaS content writer can ensure your newsletter is seen and — more importantly — opened.

Through timely campaigns, helpful content, and thoughtfully placed CTAs, expert writers can help you foster relationships with leads and customers via your newsletter. Use them to reinforce your value through engaging topics while keeping your products and brand in readers’ minds.

Important strategies for SaaS content writing

Good-quality SaaS content writing isn’t the result of luck or guesswork, no matter how effortless the end product appears.

Writers use several marketing strategies to ensure their content clicks with their audiences and helps drive product sales.

Let’s explore the most valuable techniques.

Know your audience

Before a single word is written, you need to understand your target audience. The content should resonate with your ideal customers’ needs, pain points, and language.

Only 66% of B2B marketers prioritise this step, with the rest placing their sales message ahead of their audiences’ needs when creating content.

However, around 88% of content marketers for successful brands focus on customer wants — proving that listening to your audience matters.

Knowing your audience means conducting thorough research to understand their demographics, job roles, challenges, and goals. These insights enable SaaS content writers to tailor content, address specific customer concerns, and provide them with valuable, relevant information.

Perform keyword research

Keyword research is essential for ensuring the content is discoverable by your target audience. It involves identifying the words and phrases your potential customers use to search for solutions related to your SaaS product or service.

SaaS content writers naturally incorporate these keywords into the content, including titles, headings, and body text. They’ll avoid “keyword stuffing” — using a phrase unnaturally to try and rank higher — as this can negatively impact your content’s readability, quality, and ranking.

Carry out competitor research

Understanding what your rivals are doing well and where you could improve gives your SaaS content a competitive edge. Many SaaS marketers say conducting competitor analysis is one of their most helpful content marketing tactics.

Competitor research involves analysing your competitors’ content to find gaps, opportunities, and areas where you can differentiate yours.

That means studying the topics your competitors cover, the formats they use, and the tone and style of their writing. Research can help create content that stands out and provides unique value to your target audience.

Understand the sales funnel

SaaS content should align with the different stages of the sales funnel, including awareness, consideration, conversion, and retention. Your strategy must outline how every piece of content addresses your audience’s needs and questions at each stage.

For instance, top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) content might focus on educating and building awareness using blogs and case studies. Bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) content could highlight product features and benefits to drive conversions.

Study brand guidelines

Brand guidelines ensure all content aligns with your company’s tone, style, and messaging.

Consistency in your content’s voice is essential for building brand recognition and trust with your audience.

Ensure your style guide is current and detailed enough for SaaS content writers to follow and apply throughout your materials.

Satisfy search intent

Search intent is the underlying reason or goal behind a user’s search query. SaaS content writing should aim to satisfy the particular intent behind the keywords your audience is using.

For example, someone searching for “project management software” may seek information on features, pricing, or comparisons between different solutions. Adapt your content to address the query’s intent.

Keep your content scannable

Around 43% of readers admittedly “skim” blog posts — SaaS audiences included.

With limited time and a bombardment of information from other software brands, you must ensure your content is quickly grasped.

Making your content easily scannable with clear headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs lets readers quickly identify relevant information and encourages further engagement.

Readers are more likely to explore content when the main points are straightforward and quick to digest.

Create effective CTAs

Clear and compelling CTAs within the content help guide your audience towards the desired action, whether signing up for a trial, downloading a resource, or scheduling a product demo.

CTAs should be specific, actionable, and aligned with the sales funnel stage the content is targeting.

Common SaaS content writing mistakes

Creating effective SaaS content isn’t always straightforward. Even experienced brands can succumb to common pitfalls, including:

  • not focusing on the target audience
  • being overly promotional or “salesy”
  • neglecting keyword research
  • having a poor page structure or readability
  • producing only one type of content
  • failing to provide genuine value or actionable advice
  • being inconsistent with branding and tone
  • ignoring SEO best practices
  • not including visuals.

Awareness of and avoiding these mistakes helps you produce stronger content that better supports your marketing goals, leading to more meaningful results for your business.

SaaS content writing optimisation

With masses of SaaS-related content for potential customers to choose from, simply adding yours to the mix is unlikely to achieve anything impressive.

Successful SaaS content writing incorporates optimisation techniques. It ensures your blog posts, product descriptions, landing pages, etc., reach your target audience organically and appear in all the right places.

Optimising content generally involves:

  • finding valuable and relevant phrases and terms your target audience is searching for
  • incorporating these naturally into your content, including page titles, headings, body copy, and meta descriptions
  • creating comprehensive, well-researched, and informative content that provides real value — Google has prioritised this content type since its first Helpful Content Update in 2022
  • using clear headings, short paragraphs, bullet points and other formatting techniques to improve content readability and scannability — positively impacting engagement and the time readers spend on a page
  • linking to relevant internal website content to help search engines understand your content’s context and how your site is organised
  • linking to reputable external sites to demonstrate your content’s credibility and provide further value to readers
  • optimising your website’s load times — faster page speeds can improve the user experience and are linked to Core Web Vitals
  • ensuring your content is easily readable on all devices, especially mobiles and tablets
  • regularly updating older content with new information, statistics, and insights to keep it relevant and improve its chances of ranking well.

Skilled writers and SaaS blog writing companies will adopt these techniques to ensure their content is search engine friendly. They consider the user experience while ensuring what you publish has the best chance of being seen and understood.

Measuring the impact of SaaS content writing

Crafting fantastic content is one thing, but measuring its impact is just as important. Keeping an eye on the right metrics lets you see if your SaaS content writing efforts are paying off.

You’ll probably track several metrics for your broader content marketing strategy. However, let’s explore metrics for content writing specifically.

Website traffic

Keep tabs on how many website visitors your content brings. Look at page views, unique visitors, and bounce rates. This can tell you which topics interest readers and what formats keep people engaged.

Lead generation

Count how many leads are coming from your content, whether through submissions, content downloads, or other conversion points. You should also assess the quality of those leads to ensure they’re a good fit for your product.

Conversion rates

Track how many of your content’s leads convert into sign-ups, trial activations, or sales.

Engagement metrics

How much time people spend on the page, how far they scroll, and whether they share the content on social media offers you a sense of how engaged your audience is. A higher engagement rate suggests your content is providing real value.

Search engine rankings

If your content is meant to boost organic visibility, keep an eye on where you rank for relevant keywords. See how your rankings change over time to understand your content’s SEO impact, both individual rankings and at scale.

Customer retention and advocacy

Excellent content writing can help retain and turn existing customers into loyal advocates. Look at churn rates, product adoption, referrals, reviews, and social media mentions.

Return on investment (ROI)

Every business must justify the resources they put into content creation. Calculate the costs and compare it to the revenue generated from content-driven leads and sales.

What to look for in a SaaS blog writing company

Partnering with a professional SaaS blog writing company can be a game-changer for your content marketing efforts.

But what should you look for? And what questions do you need to ask?

When weighing up potential companies, focusing on some key areas is helpful.

Industry experience and expertise

Look for a company with proof of creating successful SaaS industry content, particularly for the materials you’re interested in producing (blogs, landing pages, newsletters, etc.).

They should understand the unique roadblocks, terminologies, and best practices of SaaS content writing, recognising that this type of content requires a specific mindset and approach.

Someone with proven experience in your niche or vertical can provide extra value. Bonus points if they’ve worked with other brands you’ve heard of or whose content you’ve admired.

SEO and content marketing strategy

SEO and content go hand in hand. A SaaS blog writing company should have an excellent grasp of SEO best practices and content marketing strategies to ensure your content gets seen by potential customers.

Discuss their approach to SEO and how they weave it into SaaS content writing. Your chosen company should be able to create content that engages your audience and helps improve your search engine visibility, helping drive tangible business results.

Content management and workflow

Ask about the company’s content management processes and workflows. What do you need to provide? How do they generally research, plan, and write the content? Can they also help with strategy or content uploads, if required?

A streamlined content ideation, creation, review, and publishing system can ensure a consistent and efficient content production workflow.

Reporting and analytics

A data-driven approach is crucial for measuring the success of your content efforts.

Look for a SaaS blog writing company that provides detailed reporting and analytics through their systems or your preferred software. These insights allow you to track your content’s performance and make informed decisions about future strategies.

Communication and collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for a successful content partnership.

Ask about the company’s communication channels. What platforms do they use to speak with clients? Find out who will manage your account and how often you can touch base with them.

Assess their overall responsiveness and willingness to collaborate closely with your team. This ensures you’re on the same page regarding your brand voice and content goals.


  • SaaS content writers are a crucial part of content marketing strategies.
  • Their content typically comprises blog posts, case studies, landing pages, product descriptions, and guides.
  • Good SaaS content writers combine their product knowledge, marketing acumen, and SEO expertise to create content that engages readers and is seen by target audiences.
  • They must balance providing helpful information and promoting the SaaS product’s USP.
  • Effective SaaS content writing can help generate more leads, reduce churn rate, and improve brand awareness.
  • Partnering with a SaaS blog writing company is a great way to outsource your content writing to an experienced team.
  • They’ll be able to work with you to nail your brand voice, provide meaningful content, and ensure it helps you meet your business objectives.

Proven SaaS content writers — no fluff, just results

Struggling to create high-impact SaaS content in-house? can help you publish focused, optimised materials that attract, engage, and convert your dream customers.

Don’t settle for the generic — unlock your growth potential with our proven SaaS content writing services. Get in touch today.