Author: Andrew Jessop

  • What Facebook did to us in 2016

    Over the past ten or 11 years the power of social media has grown beyond belief. At first like a stream and then into a river and then a flood, it now sits as an ocean in our consciousness. We orient our free time around it, report gatherings, bookmark meals, and document concerts and gigs. […]

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  • SALT releases digital challenger banking report for 2017

    Since the 2007-8 financial crisis, people have changed the way they think about major banks, helping pave the way for a stream of challenger banks, which first began to emerge in 2010. This paper discusses the development of such banks, their continued evolution, and where they are set to go next year and thereafter. Note this […]

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  • SALT releases search travel market report for 2017

    There’s no doubt that 2016 has been a difficult year for the search travel market. With that in mind, has released a new report detailing how the market has fared, what it has had to overcome, and what lays in store for 2017. This has now been archived – please see our latest insights […]

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  • Spotify serves music with a side order of malware

    Spotify has become the latest tech giant to succumb to security issues as it was discovered that the free version of its service had been directing PC and Mac users towards websites filled with malware. Although Spotify has since fixed the problem, a number of users from its community forum were reporting that virus-infected pop-up websites […]

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  • Cat owners are losers, thanks Facebook

    Cats are for introverted losers who read comic books and don’t go outside, and dogs are for everyone else — or so the internet would have you believe. To celebrate World Cat Day Facebook has leapt into the “dog vs cat” debate and embedded the stereotype into the minds of the world by proving that […]

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  • Google DeepMind to delve into NHS records

    Google has been given access to 1.6 million NHS patient records in a data-sharing agreement – as revealed by New Scientist. The records, which includes full names and patient histories, are expected to help develop early warning systems for patients at risk of developing acute kidney problems. Under the agreement, Google’s artificial intelligence division will […]

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  • Google begins testing for Project Loon

    In the race to provide internet to some of the most remote corners of the Earth, Google’s managing director for South East Asia and India, Rajan Anandan, has announced that the company is in talks with local telecom providers to beam internet access from floating balloons in the sky. Unlike Facebook, Google plans to provide unlimited […]

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  • What David Bowie thought of the internet in 2000

    There is no doubt that David Bowie shall be remembered as one of the greatest and most influential British artists of the 20th century. Celebrated as a visionary and pioneer in both music and visual art, it has since emerged, thanks to the unearthing of a BBC Newsnight interview with Jeremy Paxman, that Bowie was […]

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  • Spotify finds its feet within the music industry. Sort of.

    Thanks to new research published by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, a study has concluded that Spotify is helping win the battle against digital piracy. After examining the effects of legal streaming on torrent downloads, researchers were able to conclude that for every 47 streams, the number of illegal downloads decreases by one. Launched […]

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